A Nonprofit Coordinator’s Journey To Mastering Community Projects 

Community members after completing art-painting on the utility boxes.

Embarking on community projects often fills us with excitement about the possibilities, yet it's vital to remain grounded in the community's actual desires. As an OptStrategies consultant, I've witnessed firsthand how projects can falter without clear direction. This lesson became evident during my tenure at a local nonprofit in San Diego's Promise Zone, where our aim was to enact positive change in distressed neighborhoods.

The term Promise Zone, initiated in 2013 by the US Government, is a collaborative endeavor to uplift economically challenged areas. With 22 designated zones nationwide, these initiatives bring together federal agencies, local leaders, and organizations to address multifaceted challenges. As a nonprofit within a Promise Zone, we had the responsibility to serve our community effectively and meaningfully.

Community participation became the cornerstone of our successful community projects. It served as a catalyst for meaningful change and sustainable development. When we actively engage community members in the decision-making process, they bring invaluable insights, perspectives, and expertise to the table. Moreover, their involvement fosters a sense of ownership and pride in the project, enhancing its long-term viability and impact. 

By empowering individuals to contribute their time, talents, and resources, community participation builds social cohesion, strengthens networks, and nurtures a shared sense of responsibility for the well-being of the community. Ultimately, it is through collaborative efforts and inclusive practices that communities can address their most pressing challenges and create positive, lasting change.

Map of all 22 Promise Zones. Image from the Housing and Urban Development Department.

 The Birth of the Imperial Avenue Community Arts Project:

 After listening to the voices of our community through meetings and door-to-door surveys, it became clear that combating gang tagging along Imperial Avenue was a priority. More specifically, the community wanted to paint the utility boxes along the main avenue to make the area more vibrant while also reducing and curbing the impact of gang graffiti. 

Residents sought not only to beautify their surroundings but also to deter graffiti—a problem prevalent in their neighborhood. Thus, the idea for the Imperial Avenue Community Arts Project was born out of genuine community need.

 Understanding Utility Boxes and Community Art:

 Before delving into our project's specifics, it's crucial to understand the role of utility boxes. In San Diego, these ubiquitous structures serve as vital components of urban infrastructure. However, in more affluent areas, they double as canvases for vibrant community art. This intersection of practicality and creativity proved invaluable in our endeavor to combat graffiti.

 Mobilizing Community Resources and Overcoming Challenges:

 Armed with a deeper understanding of community needs, I embarked on a mission to engage residents in the project. Through asset mapping and persistent outreach, we garnered support from local artists and educators, transforming our vision into a collaborative effort. 

 In any well-planned community project, mastering logistics becomes paramount. This includes acquiring supplies and materials with minimal budget allocation, and, most importantly, obtaining permits to paint the utility boxes. I initiated the process by reaching out via email to individuals and organizations whom I believed could offer insight or lead us in navigating the intricacies of painting the boxes. My inquiries extended to the local utility company, city officials, including our district's city council member, and the nonprofit’s social media platforms.

 After encountering numerous dead ends, a breakthrough emerged when one of the artists I had connected with on social media not only volunteered his time for the event but also provided a specific point of contact within the utility company. This development significantly alleviated the stress I had been experiencing, as until that point, I couldn't assure residents with certainty that the art project would secure approval from the utility company.

 Navigating logistical hurdles, such as securing permits and acquiring supplies, tested our resolve. Through relentless communication and networking, we overcame these obstacles, buoyed by the generosity of local businesses and volunteers. This collaborative spirit, coupled with unwavering determination, propelled our project forward against all odds.

 With the official green light to commence beautifying the utility boxes, a local paint store, with a strong rapport with the nonprofit I was collaborating with at the time, generously donated all the necessary paint for the project. This marked another significant milestone to celebrate, considering that the project’s budget primarily covered the artists’ and my labor, with minimal funds allocated for supplies.

 With each interaction, enthusiasm grew, culminating in a diverse group of volunteers eager to participate in our community event.

 Project Planning:

Through numerous interactions with residents, I promoted and organized the work using visual aids while facilitating meetings, in addition to drawings, mockups, and blueprints created on Microsoft Word and Photoshop. The ability to visually comprehend the plan for the event proved to be a game-changer, not only on the day of execution but also during the promotion of the event, both online and in person. This approach proved highly effective when executing community projects, particularly when faced with language barriers.

 As the project date drew near, I diligently assembled a “run of show” document to maintain organization. For those unfamiliar with the term, a "run of show" is a meticulously detailed and time-sequenced plan that delineates the schedule and flow of activities for an event or project. It functions as a blueprint, offering a chronological order of tasks to aid in various aspects of the project, ranging from time management to maximizing stakeholder engagement.

Additionally, documenting progress, maintaining a project checklist, and conducting outreach efforts were integral components of ensuring the project's success and fostering community involvement.

 Project Execution and Impact:

On the day of the event, meticulous planning ensured smooth execution as volunteers painted utility boxes along Imperial Avenue. Witnessing the transformation of mundane structures into vibrant works of art was immensely gratifying. Yet, the true success of our endeavor lays in its lasting impact on the community.

Beyond beautifying the street, our project fostered a sense of ownership and pride among residents. By involving community members, especially youth, in the creative process, we instilled a sense of responsibility for maintaining the artwork. This communal effort proved instrumental in reducing graffiti—a testament to the enduring power of community-driven initiatives.

Art on utility boxes on Imperial Avenue, San Diego. After results shown on the left to better represent impact of before and after.


The Imperial Avenue Community Arts Project exemplifies the transformative potential of grassroots efforts in revitalizing underserved communities. By prioritizing community input and collaboration, we not only addressed a pressing issue but also fostered a sense of unity and pride. As we reflect on our journey, let us be reminded of the profound impact that collective action can have in shaping vibrant and resilient communities.

The underlying reason is both simple and endearing. Witnessing numerous community residents, including many young children, passionately painting these boxes, only to have their artwork defaced by graffiti, prompts a poignant question: why vandalize something your peers and loved ones invested considerable time and effort into? It's heartening to note that instances of graffiti vandalism have been minimal, almost a decade later. This underscores the profound impact of community projects; they have the capacity to forge lasting connections and unite communities.

At OptStrategies, we developed a toolkit meticulously designed to navigate you through every stage of community project development. Tailored specifically for community initiatives, this resource offers a systematic, step-by-step approach to ensure your project's success.

With the purchase of this guide you will get Microsoft Excel template-attachments carefully crafted to streamline your project planning process. These templates provide essential tools such as charts with project ideas, timeline examples, project checklists, scopes of work, and volunteer distribution templates. With these resources at your disposal, you'll have everything you need to efficiently plan and execute your community project. 

Mastering Community Project Resource Guide is now available for download here: OptStrategies/Opt-Shop


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